Angkor Wat - Siem Riep 2 - Xe Máy Độ-Xe Máy Độc

Angkor Wat - Siem Riep 2

Central Boutique Angkor Resort

On our first day in Siem Reap, after traveling from Nha Trang, we relaxed for most of the afternoon at the hotel and then walked to the night market for dinner and a bit of shopping. We wondered around the night market for about an hour then we sat down at one of the many food stall around the area. We picked quite a few different dishes including rice, noodles and some stirfried veggies to taste the Cambodian style. As a chef, my sister loved Cambodian cuisine very much. It's a bit similar to Vietnamese dishes but there is something special in their style.

Tu - Mum

I encouraged my mum to try the fish massage and after a few refusals, she joined with us and she laugh so much. It is not very often that I see my mum so happy since my father and my eldest sister passed away. I realized, sometimes just a very simple thing could make somebody just that happy. I'm glad she tried a new thing like that. Mr Pheav, our great tour guide and tuk tuk driver came and after I took the family home, I headed to pub street to discover the Siem Riep night life. I stopped at a cafe and sat outside drinking a mojito and watched people walking past. I have to admit that there are heaps of prostitutes around, walking up and down trying to find clients.

Angkor Wat

I felt bored after an hour and took a tuk tuk back to the hotel at 10.30pm. A sunrise tour to Angkor Wat was waiting for me and my family at 5am. I was sure my family would love this amazing view just I did the first time. My mum was still awake when I got back and my nephew was in the pool swimming. I joined him for a few laps then headed to bed. This is such a beautiful hotel, very quiet compared to crazy, noisy Hanoi. I was sure to sleep well before the early start the next day.

To be continued......

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