Greetings From Ubud - Xe Máy Độ-Xe Máy Độc

Greetings From Ubud


The main idea of going to Indonesia was to experience Ubud, where we spent two weeks staying at the Lala Lili Vilas in Penestanan. This little section of Ubud is located up 94 steps from the main road just after it crosses the river gorge. The two villas are behind a warung of the same name where we had breakfast any many other wonderful meals.


Lala villa is like a treehouse, open-air with the sleeping areas contained in two lofts. The swimming pool surrounds a little sheltered island where we spent many hours reading and relaxing. The atmosphere was filled with the sounds of birds, frogs and geckos. The gardens are lush with tropical plants and flowers and insects. In short, a perfect place to spend a holiday.


I discovered the neighborhood as much as possible by walking around, riding a bicycle and also driving a motorbike. Compared to Hanoi, the people in Ubud are much calmer in the traffic, even though the main streets in the town have traffic jams several times a day. One morning, my friends and I woke up pretty early and went to the local market, which operates as a food market first before changing at about 9am into a market for tourists where all kinds of souvenirs can be bought. The sellers are generally pretty open to bargaining but can be a bit touchy if you go low on price.


Our time in Ubud is nearly over but we intend to discover a bit more of the surrounding countryside over the next few days.

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