Offerings In Bali - Xe Máy Độ-Xe Máy Độc

Offerings In Bali


The offering ritual in Indonesia is a real highlight of a visit to Bali. The Balinese perform their offering to the gods every morning. The tray of offerings contains various kinds of flowers, usually picked from the surrounding gardens, small spoons of rice on banana leaves, crackers, cigarette and, of course, incense. Each little tray is placed around the house, on the garden altars, on doorsteps and on the streets. They spend hours just preparing, perhaps as much time as for a meal. They look amazing. Offerings are also placed on motorbikes and inside cars.


One interesting side effect of this daily ritual is that it provides food for the native wildlife. I have seen rats, birds and other animals, even squirrels, in town climbing up onto the altars to eat the offerings and wonder if this actually prevents them from going inside kitchens to rummage for food. Itbis definitely a special treat for these animals.


Observing this aspect of Balinese culture everyday was a very special experience.

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