Honda 1975 XL350 - Xe Máy Độ-Xe Máy Độc

Honda 1975 XL350

  I bought this bike in St. Louis a few weekends ago but had other things to work on.
This weekend I decided I needed to at least start it.....
After a day of disappointment I finally decided to open up the points cover.....
Rusty points!
As you can tell by this picture, it was rusted shut basically.

This is the IV stand setup for...kind of hard to tell.

Old plastic tank for an IV bag and this run off the magneto.

Just happened to have new points and condenser laying around that fit this thing.  
After I gapped the points, it started first kick and sounded good....
Now I just have to wait to see if Ardcore can make a jackshaft for me...
if not, this thing is getting cleaned up and tuned I will have one more bike to sell in the spring...

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