Veenendaal 2011 - Xe Máy Độ-Xe Máy Độc

Veenendaal 2011

okay, it has been some time ago, and there have been events since then, but this is what happened at Veenendaal this year.

Picture thanx to Lea langezaal
As can be seen, I have a groundclearance issue.

And then this is what happens:

Emergency repairs so I could start the next heat.

more can be read at Ralph's blog, he came to see what I was doing with the engine he donated to my project.
Also a nice video of me just before the start.

By the way, I plan to build different, higher, footpegs for next season, a little less original, but I need the groundclearance. I'll make it look like honda made them by using the right parts.

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