Z's Garage - Xe Máy Độ-Xe Máy Độc

Z's Garage

So you have a million motorcycles but don't have money to build a garage and storage spaces suck...  Waddya do?  
Buy some boards
 Find a concrete pad.
 And pretend like you know what you are doing.

Sorry I couldn't really help....mostly played with Moyou and got boards dropped on my head.  

Rib still sucks and  I am trying to heal so I can stop feeling like a grasshopper with one foot.
 I love my dog even though she doesn't listen to anybody and bites at faces and eats her own poop.
Pile of leaves!
Tomorrow we sheet, tar paper, and hopefully find some cheap shingles.....
Oh, thanks for the spaghetti like grub.

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