Unfamiliar places - Xe Máy Độ-Xe Máy Độc

Unfamiliar places

I rode my bicycle to Whole Foods yesterday....
I stopped at the river to reflect....
and remembered how close to the skatepark this is

I grew up with a good sized creek in my front yard
 ..and the Wabash river in the woods in my backyard
As a kid I spent a lot of time at the water's edge
Making boats to float down it
Looking for snakes, frogs, fish and crawdads....
 It's strange to remember those feelings and sounds as an adult
I can't help but hope that if I ever have a family, my children will get to experience the same thing
and not just on weekend visits to the grandparent's house........

I am glad this wasn't plugged in
Moyou needs a friend during the day--no amount of chew toys can prevent this...
Parent teacher conferences till 8 tomorrow....that is a 14 hour day folks..... 
Going to miss first Thursdays at Thai Taste again so I made my own green curry tonight
The new normal.........

B for L
"The haunted man"

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