Xe Máy Độ-Xe Máy Độc: Auburn Cord Duesenburg Museum

Auburn Cord Duesenburg Museum

My cousin Heath got hitched last weekend so I made the trip up to Butler Indiana.  Found out when I got there that not only was there an open bar at the reception (no alcohol for me but me and my 10yr old cousin Calista made random mixed drinks with flavored syrups, ginger ale, and the normal run of juices that a bar carries) but the reception was also at the Auburn Cord Duesenburg Museum!  http://www.welcome.to/acd.museum
I don't think I would ever make the trip just to go here but of course I have an interest in these cool old modes of transportation from the beginning of the motor vehicle era.  I took random pictures and for the most part, have no idea what they were, just that they looked cool to me ;?
Made it!
 I would love to run one of these old lights on a project bike.....

 This little guy was a 1916 Rauch and LAng J-6.  It was ELECTRIC, had 6 forward speeds, and 3 reverse!  This 100 inch wheelbased beauty cost $3,000 back in the day.....thats like....a lot now.
 This one was sick!

 Big pimpin'
 This is the The Tasco.  It had a 150 horse V-8 in it.  Looks fun!

 There was also this random 1933 BSA.  I guess the Cord part of the company rode it?  Maybe?