Xe Máy Độ-Xe Máy Độc: Farm


  When Z, S, and I went out to get siding from Shawna's old house a while back, we got to see piggies!
I remember being excited to see them but it was sad at the same time.
Looking back at these pictures makes the memories of that sunny day seem much more dark.
Most people don't agree with me but I think it is sad humans still think they need to slaughter animals to survive.  It's not about being at the top of the food chain or "these animals were given to us by god to do with as we please", or even about being healthy, it's about compassion for another living, breathing being that feels pain just like you and I.  It's been almost 15 years.  It is such a part of me that I don't think about it everyday anymore and I am not dropping banners from any fast food chain stores or bridges during thanksgiving anymore but my conviction hasn't wavered once.


What's over there?

This one actually looks like he is smiling a little.

Sad eyes.


Sunnier days.

They say it's going to get worse before it gets better.
I know it's a long way off..... but here is looking forward to sunnier days.

Constant companions.
Sending a snarl your way Mozzy.

Thanks Jacob.