Xe Máy Độ-Xe Máy Độc: chocolate

2 hour delay

Hearing those words still makes me feel the same way it did when I was in elementary school.

I tried to make mom proud...
but as always I added a little too much of this...
and a little too much of that....
and now I have brownie on the outside
and squish in the middle (already ate it, it was glorious)

Brownie fail?

Delicious creation?


Steamy bowls of

I want a shirt

what happened.....

      there is nothing like heartache waking you up in the middle of the night

Chocolate buns

Who wouldn't want to wake up to these?

I guess Warbringer is probably a deal breaker.
This is becoming a habit.....
I bet they would taste better if I shared.
The new normal.

While I eat I am translating about marketing research and right now it is touching on how to consider the unconscious mind when looking at research results.
It's making me look at everything I buy in a different way.
I'd like to reverse the reverse psychology.

England Day 1 Dorchester

Flight was delayed, kids were screaming, crazies next to me were talking. 
 No sleep.
Found some amazing vegan food and have seen some cool stuff but....
 I was too out of it and tired to take many pictures. 
 Hope to see more bikes!

Right side driver stick shift.
I guess most people over here drive manual transmission vehicles.

Royal post

Chocolate everywhere......vegan chocolate everywhere.....

Long live the queen.

Choco vegan ice cream and strawberry cheesecake.  The grass is always greener.....

Sausage rolls.....schnitzels....nut cutlets...quarterpounders....kill me now....
This is for Wakeman.....celebration roast.   
I also bought enzymes to help me digest it all.  The King and Thai tonight!