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1966 Honda CL160 run Part 2: The clean up.

Moyou supervising the tear down and organizing of parts into totes.

Tons of good parts on this CL160.......
I think I am going to set it up for AMA racing with just enough light to be legal.

 Perfect Dirt.
I will go see Gary on this one.

I would have bought just the CL160 for the price I paid.
These gold snowflake rims were the icing on the cake.
Came with the triple tree and all parts.
35mm forks......hmm......

I am going to take a few things off this Suzuki GN400 engine....
The exhaust will be reworked to lengthen the Pony header.
All the brake components will be saved for use with the snowflake rims.
Covers, levers, and engine stripped and probably........sad to say but.....--->ebay.

1966 Honda CL160 run Part 1

Getting up before the sun.

Still half awake.

Got it all loaded. 
Listened to flat track racing stories.

Made it back in time to see these two.

Time to unload.
1966 CL160 without a front rim (otherwise complete).
Suzuki GN400 thumper (for the rims and triple tree - the rest is for ebay).
Mike also gave me extra parts from an XS650 and other random bikes.

Thanks again, M. Davis.