Xe Máy Độ-Xe Máy Độc: Quote

Gloss hell and bicycle blacking.

 "He who works with his hands is a laborer.  
                                                            He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.  
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist."   
                  -St. Francis of Assisi

Expo purchase.
Why not, right?
 The insight headlights just didn't shine like they used to..
I guess? 
I didn't really put that much effort into it... a 20 degree garage and an empty belly will do that to you.
 Wire wheel shine......
 ......vs metal gloss magic.
The picture doesn't do it justice.
I can see myself in the finish...
 Getting the old tank bicycle ready for the weather we might get this week.
Forgot to get a chain.

 Back has to match the front has to painted and sealed.
Don't judge me.

Family Time.

"I think that people are constantly thinking about capturing things that they're not actually present for the moment they're trying to capture. I'm quite sure of this. I think it's insane how many pictures have to be taken these days. We have to realize there's a level of documentation that's just chatter, it's noise, and beyond that, people who are truly documenting are going to have to find a way to puncture that."
--Ian MacKaye


"When you’re young, you should think that the world is yours and you can do whatever the f--- you want with it. As you get older, though, you realize—and this is good news, but it's also devastating—that there will be love that will die and love that you can’t understand anymore. The more joy we feel, the more we know that there’s suffering in the world. It's the nature of reality, and it’s a motherf-----."

— The Flaming Lips' Wayne Coyne


"The air was startlingly fresh, and the stillness filled the surrounding space.  The perfectly clear sky seemed to soar upward, and the warmth of the sunlight gently touched any skin directly exposed to it."

This is what I want it to feel like where I live.  I want to move to the country.


"Either I'm funny or the world's funny, I don't know which.  The bottle and lid don't fit. It could be the bottle's fault or the lid's fault.  In either case, there's no denying that the fit is bad."



Like it or not, I'm here now, in the year 2Q13.  The 2013 that I knew no longer exists.  It's 2Q13 now.  The air has changed, the scene has changed.  I have to adapt to this world-with-a-question-mark as soon as I can.  Like an animal released into a forest.  In order to survive, I have to learn the rules of this place and adapt myself to them."


1966 Honda CL160 run Part 1

Getting up before the sun.

Still half awake.

Got it all loaded. 
Listened to flat track racing stories.

Made it back in time to see these two.

Time to unload.
1966 CL160 without a front rim (otherwise complete).
Suzuki GN400 thumper (for the rims and triple tree - the rest is for ebay).
Mike also gave me extra parts from an XS650 and other random bikes.

Thanks again, M. Davis.

Quotes to get you by

"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on."

  -Havelock  Ellis

Happy in new love, I am surely the farthest thing from her mind, though she is the only thing on mine.

Brain Function

  "The struggle of maturity is to recover the seriousness of a child at play."
   --Friedrich Nietzsche